Thoughts, insights, and reflections about futures, facilitation, communication, storytelling, and how we get from where we are now to co-creating hopeful, sustainable futures.
Mel Robbins’ “Let Them” theory: applying to doing climate and sustainability communication
Some thoughts on using the Let Them theory, radical acceptance and the ABT to boster your work as a climate and sustainability communicator.
Protect children from Little Red Riding Hood. Guns are fine, though.
Guns or Little Red Riding Hood. Which of the two should be banned in schools?
The legacy of the A23a iceberg
When icebergs fragment, they seed by dropping entrained mineral nutrients. Incredible!
What colour is the most common in flowers?
My guess was wrong. And the answer to the question is blindingly obvious!
Musings of funerals for glaciers
What if we celebrated the nature that we have, and that we have lost, instead of holding funeral ceremonies?
Stories and their ability to transport
Becoming involved in a narrative world can have measurable consequences.
An Austria with less snow: what are the impacts?
Warmer, drier summers. More precipitation and less snowfall in winter. That’s what the experts say. So what?
Scientists Warning Europe
A interesting site full of science endorsed solutions which will lead to a just transition for our World to a sustainable and equitable future presented by scientists across Europe.
Let’s have faith in reality and humanity, not the tired hopes of modernity
Radical acceptance about the reality of our sustainability and environmental challenges is important. So, I believe, is hope.
#Read Cop15 essential reading: seven books that explain the biodiversity crisis
Ahead of December’s Cop15 conference, writers at The Guardian have selected titles that explain the issues at stake, from animal extinction to marine degradation and loss of habitat.