Hi, I’m Suzanne.
Futurer by chance. Hopeful by choice.

I stumbled into futuring—exploring possible futures—entirely by chance.

As a communicator, workshop facilitator, and storyteller in science, sustainability, and climate change, I was curious about how to help individuals and groups co-create hopeful, sustainable futures more effectively. I started wondering: What if we could transport people into the future? Could they use those insights to shape the present and create the futures we want?

So, I researched, explored, played, and experimented! Here’s what I’ve discovered: we can use the future to create a better world.

Today, I run workshops, speak about and conduct research into the power of possible futures, showing others how to use the future as a tool for building resilience and hope.

I run futures & foresight agency, Futures Fit where I offer Futures Literacy Labs, design participatory futures workshops and facilitate strategies for forward-thinking individuals, communities, and organisations.

I am also an active sustainability communicator and the founder of SciComm Success, an award-winning communication training company that helps scientists share their science. Why? Because science matters if we’re serious about sustainability.

My mission is simple: to share the power of possible futures and offer practical tools from my interdisciplinary background to empower individuals, communities and businesses to co-create hopeful, sustainable and resilience futures.

My rational is that I can’t change the world on my own, but perhaps I can encourage more people to “do good stuff”. If I manage to do that, then that’s a life well-lived.

One woman, many hats

Aside from running Futures Fit and SciComm Success, I do a few other things that are connected to my interest in co-creating hopeful, sustainable futures.

In Austria, I run an initiative called klimafit (Climate Ready) where I make climate change training accessible to everyone. I also organise events in Austria and across Europe to normalise the conversation about climate change, sustainability and hope at People. Planet. Prosecco.

I am am interdisciplinary researcher at VU Amsterdam, where I explore new ways to encourage climate action with multi-sensory, place-based stories of the future.

I am an inter-generational mentor at The Resilience Project, and in 2025, I have been selected as a Climate Ambassador by the EU’s Climate Impact initiative.

Occasionally, I am invited to speak about my work, research, and hopeful, sustainable futures.

Skills and experience

I have a weird and wonderful mix of skills that I have honed over the last 20+ years whilst living in 6 countries on 4 continents, and working across the globe.

+ futures & foresight
+ facilitation
+ workshop design & delivery
+ communication
+ writing and content creation
+ training
+ storytelling
+ research
+ experience design
+ event creation
+ a few other bits and bobs

What I am working on now

I do my best to update this periodically, but for obvious reasons, some projects begin and end before I get round to this. Hopefully it will give you an idea of the breadth of what I do.

Feel free to get in touch to explore how we might be able to work together.

1. Futuring

I explore possible futures (futuring), and I create and facilitate workshops and experiences to help others explore possible futures to:

  • build resilience
  • challenge assumptions
  • stretch the imagination
  • encourage thinking about possible risks and opportunities
  • challenge people, teams and organisations to look at the present with fresh eyes, and intentionally shape better futures

Visit Futures Fit to learn more about my futuring, futures and foresight offerings, as well as public events.

Wondering what Futuring is? I have a podcast called Futuring Is, where I chat to people who “future” to find out what THEY think futuring is, and how they do it.

Curious about how I am using futuring in my research? Learn more here →

2. Facilitation

I am a professional facilitator and an experienced moderator of groups, as well as an active member of the International Association of Facilitators. I design and facilitate workshops and sessions in the following areas:

  • Futures literacy, futures thinking, and futuring at Futures Fit
  • Innovation, risks and opportunities, design thinking and planning at Futures Fit
  • Sustainability and climate-related topics like sustainable decision making, climate solutions, and the circular economy at klimafit, in English & German
  • I occasionally facilitate public workshops sessions on a variety of other topics, like Values 101 and The Artist’s Way, which appear in my events.

I also design and facilitate sessions that incorporate multi-sensory experiences and storytelling to prompt thought, encourage dialogue, and invite change, some of which I do in my research.

3. Communication

I have a deep and wide knowledge of (almost) all aspects of communication. I ran a successful creative agency called Future Makers for 12 years, and in parallel, I found myself working as a freelance interpersonal and intercultural skills trainer. I founded a company called SciComm Success in 2014 to offer communication skills training to scientists, researchers and academics.

Currently, I am involved in:

  1. Delivering communication training for scientists, researchers and academics at SciComm Success
  2. Teaching storytelling and narrative skills at Wicked Storytelling
  3. Presence and presentation skills coaching and workshops at Share Your Science

I am also researching senstoryscapes as a way of talking (communicating( about climate change and encouraging action.

4. Climate & Sustainability

I am an active climate and sustainability communicator and I give talks, presentations, workshops and training about climate change, climate solutions, climate policies, climate communication, sustainability, the IDGs and the circular economy. And, of course, futures literacy and futures thinking as a way to prompt thinking and action.

Most of this happens at klimafit. My research is also related to climate and sustainability communication.

5. Storytelling

I work extensively with narrative, storytelling and stories in my futuring work, research, and in my communication training. I use stories and narrative frameworks myself, and I reach others to use them to communicate clearly, spark interest, engage minds and set hearts afire. I am particularly interested in the relationship between stories, perceived agency, and action.

As an oral storyteller and performance artist, I design storytelling shows for adult audiences, combining and retelling traditional tales, true stories, and, of course, stories of the future, to entertain, educate, and invite new ways of thinking.  I collaborate with heritage sites, museums, festivals, tourism organisations, science groups and more, as a storyteller, story designer, and as an educator.

My storytelling isn’t always about hopeful, sustainable futures: often, it’s a place for people to put away their screens and explore the theatre of the mind and be present. As a performance artist, my stage name is Ziyadliwa.

6. Research

I am a PhD candidate at VU Amsterdam, and my research focuses on exploring the way in which senstoryscapes (or place-based, multi-sensory stories of the future) can be used to encourage pro-environment attitudes and behaviour, and particularly, to encourage individual climate action.

My route to this research was a bit unusual, as my MA was in the field of Classical Studies. I have always had a deep interest in the ancient world, and the Middle Ages. In the course of my studies, I became interested in the sensory aspects of the past and my research resulted in a thesis that explored the lived olfactory experiences of people in Pompeii shortly before the eruption of Vesuvius. I wanted to continue working with sensory research and I wanted to work with stories. I could probably have stayed in the Classics department, but I felt compelled to make sure that my research was contributing to co-creating these hopefully, sustainable futures that I go on about, and so my PhD proposal was born.

I have a BA in English, with minors in the Classics and Philosophy, in case that’s of interest.

7. Other bits and bobs

  • Podcast host: Futuring Is…
  • Facilitator & Co-ordinator: Citizen-led renovation (EU project)
  • Urban walker: Ways to Walk
  • Intergenerational mentor: The Resilience Project
  • Co-facilitator: Meeting Innovators
  • Aspiring mindful person: tiny mindful
  • SIG lead: Futures & Facilitation at the International Association of Facilitators

Curious? Get in touch, find an event, or see what I’m thinking